Illustrations with a story


One with the sea

€ 20,00

One with the sea

€ 20,00

- One with the sea -   

(limited edition)

When she walks into the water she feels free, one with the sea

With every wave her head feels more and more like a pretty flower
Delicate but strong and full of color

She will hold her breath just for some seconds before she fills her lungs with air again

Surreal, calm exited

Home at the sea 



Find here the magical fantasy illustrations ;)


The loving - (special post cards)

€ 5,00

The loving - (special post cards)

€ 5,00

The moment you hold on 

It fades into nothing


The moment you hold on 

I fade into nothing 


One with the sea

And one with the loving 


The moment you let go 

Lets fade into nothing 


The moment you realise 

Its not all or nothing 




Send them to someone that makes you feel special ! 

          Alll old school babe! ;)